Falconer – Per Tyrsons Daughters In Va¨nge (translated From Swedish) Lirik Terjemahan

Falconer | Judul Lagu: Per Tyrsons Daughters In Va¨nge (translated From Swedish)

Per Tyrsson’s daughters in Vänge
Anak perempuan Per Tyrsson di V & auml; nge
Oh how chilly their woods
Oh betapa dinginnya hutan mereka
They were fast asleep a long time ago
Mereka sudah tertidur lelap sejak dulu
Whilst the woods burst into leaf
Sementara hutan itu pecah menjadi daun

The youngest was the first one to awake
Yang termuda adalah orang pertama yang bangun
She soon awoke the others
Dia segera membangunkan yang lain

They sat themselves down upon their beds
Mereka duduk di tempat tidur mereka
and plaited the hair on each other’s heads
dan anyaman rambut di kepala masing-masing

Then they dressed in clothes of silk
Lalu mereka mengenakan baju sutra
and made their way to church
dan berjalan ke gereja

When they came to Vänga hill
Ketika mereka sampai di V & auml; nga hill
they met three robbers who held them still
Mereka bertemu dengan tiga perampok yang menahan mereka

“Pray, would you care to become robbers’ wives?
“Berdoalah, maukah kamu menjadi istri perampok?
Or would you rather lose your lives?”
Atau apakah Anda lebih suka kehilangan nyawa Anda? “

“We would not care to become robbers’ wives.
“Kami tidak mau menjadi istri perampok.
We would much rather lose our lives.”
Kita lebih suka kehilangan nyawa kita. “

They chopped their heads off on birch-wood stem
Mereka memotong kepala mereka dari pohon birch
and soon three wells sprung forth by them
dan segera tiga sumur bermunculan di depan mereka

The bodies were dug down in muddy ground,
Mayat-mayat itu digali di tanah berlumpur,
the clothes they carried to Vänga town.
pakaian yang mereka bawa ke V & auml; nga kota.
As they arrived in Vänga farm
Saat mereka tiba di V & auml; nga farm

Fru Karin came to greet them.
Fru Karin datang untuk menyambut mereka.
“Say, would you care to buy clothes of silk
“Katakan, maukah kamu membeli baju sutra
that nine maidens have knitted and crotcheted?”
bahwa sembilan gadis telah rajutan dan berjajar? “

“Open your bundles and let me see
“Buka bungkusanmu dan biarkan aku melihat
maybe I know them, all three.”
Mungkin aku mengenal mereka, ketiganya. “

Fru Karin quivers as never before
Fru Karin bergetar seperti sebelumnya
and runs to Per Tyrsson who stands by the door
dan lari ke Per Tyrsson yang berdiri di dekat pintu

“There are three robbers outside our farm
“Ada tiga perampok di luar peternakan kita
they’ve gotten rid of our daughters”
mereka telah menyingkirkan anak-anak perempuan kita “

Per Tyrsson grabs his sword and then
Per Tyrsson meraih pedangnya lalu
he runs to slay the two older men.
Dia berlari untuk membunuh dua pria yang lebih tua.

He asked the third one before he stroke
Dia bertanya yang ketiga sebelum dia terserang
“Who is your father and mother?”
“Siapa ayah dan ibumu?”

“Our father Per Tyrsson in Vänge,
“Ayah kami Per Tyrsson di V & auml; nge,
our mother Fru Karin in Skränge.”
ibu kita Fru Karin di Skr & auml; nge. “

Per Tyrsson went to the smithy
Per Tyrsson pergi ke bengkel
and forged himself iron round his waist.
dan ditempa sendiri di pinggangnya.

“What shall our retribution be?”
“Apa retribusi kita?”
“We’ll build a church out of stone and lime.”
“Kami akan membangun gereja dari batu dan kapur.”

“Kärna Church shall be its name”
“Gereja K & auml; rna adalah namanya”
Oh how chilly their woods
Oh betapa dinginnya hutan mereka
“Oh, how willingly we will build it .”
“Oh, betapa rela kita membangunnya.”
Whilst the woods burst into leaf
Sementara hutan itu pecah menjadi daun

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