Foo Fighters – Lirik Terjemahan Floaty [Live]

Foo Fighters | Judul Lagu: Floaty [Live]

He floats
Dia mengapung
floats away
on the ground
di tanah
he comes back down
dia kembali turun
she floats
dia mengapung
floats away
on the ground
di tanah
she comes back down
dia kembali turun
they float
mereka mengambang
float away
berlayar jauh
on the ground
di tanah
they come back down
mereka kembali turun
we float
kita mengambang
float away
berlayar jauh
on the ground
di tanah
we come back down
kami kembali turun
that’s not as big as
itu tidak sebesar
what’s flown around here
apa yang terbang di sekitar sini

Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Foo Fighters Lainnya