lagu Anal Cunt – Terjemahan Lirik I Just Saw The Gayest Guy On Earth

Anal Cunt | Judul Lagu: I Just Saw The Gayest Guy On Earth

he hangs around in allston,he always wears a tree shirt
Dia berkeliaran di allston, dia selalu memakai kemeja pohon
his favorite band is roadsaw,he hangs out at the model cafe
Band favoritnya adalah jalanan, dia nongkrong di cafe model
he hangs out with toxic narcotic,he's got a tribal tattoo
Dia bergaul dengan narkotika beracun, dia punya tato kesukuan
his best friend is joe bonni,he's got his eyebrow pierced
sahabatnya adalah joe bonni, alisnya tertusuk
he has purple dreadlocks,he works at herrell's ice cream
Dia memiliki rambut gimbal ungu, dia bekerja dengan es krim herrell
he wears an “allston rock city” t-shirt,i hope you fucking die
Dia memakai t-shirt “allston rock city”, kuharap kau mati sial

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