Outlaw – Glow Of The Fire Lirik Terjemahan

Outlaw | Judul Lagu: Glow Of The Fire

The Glow of the fire in my heart burns bright.
Cahaya api di hatiku terbakar terang.
The Peace after sadness brings hope.
Perdamaian setelah kesedihan membawa harapan.
The thought of being held Like A Kite helps me to cope.
Gagasan untuk diadakan Like A Kite membantu saya untuk mengatasinya.
Mist comes from the mountain of insecurity.
Kabut berasal dari gunung ketidakamanan.
Fire burns bright in the forest of tragedy.
Api menyala terang di hutan tragedi.
Blood drips from the body that died so that our inequities may be forgotten.
Darah menetes dari tubuh yang mati sehingga ketidakadilan kita bisa dilupakan.
Raised is the body that from which blood dripped.
Dibesarkan adalah tubuh dari mana darah menetes.
Saved was the sinner who believed.
Disimpan adalah orang berdosa yang percaya.
The Mountain of insecurity melts away.
Gunung keresahan meleleh.
The Forest of tragedy burns away.
Hutan tragedi membakar diri.
Peace flows through those who believe.
Perdamaian mengalir melalui orang-orang yang beriman.
Sadness falls away.
Kesedihan jatuh.
The Glow of the fire burns bright.
Cahaya api menyala terang.