Rusty Draper – Lagu The Shifting, Whispering Sands Lirik Terjemahan

Rusty Draper | Judul Lagu: The Shifting, Whispering Sands

(listen to the age old story of
(dengarkan cerita usia tua
The shifting, whispering sand)
Pergeseran, bisik pasir)

Yes it always whispers to me
Ya itu selalu berbisik padaku
Of the days of long ago
Dari hari-hari yang lalu
When the settlers and the miners
Saat pemukim dan penambangnya
Fought the crafty Navajo
Melawan Navajo yang licik
How the cattle roamed the valley
Bagaimana ternak berkeliaran di lembah
Happy people worked the land
Orang yang senang bekerja di tanah
And now everything is covered
Dan sekarang semuanya tertutup
By the shifting, whispering sand
Dengan bergeser, bisik pasir

Oh the miner left his buckboards
Oh penambang itu meninggalkan papannya
When he worked his claims that day
Saat dia mengerjakan klaimnya hari itu
And the burro's broke their halters
Dan burro itu mematahkan celana mereka
When they thought he'd gone to stay
Ketika mereka mengira akan tinggal di sini
How they found the ancient miner
Bagaimana mereka menemukan penambang kuno itu
Lyin dead upon the sand
Lyin mati di atas pasir
For months they could but wonder
Selama berbulan-bulan mereka bisa bertanya-tanya
If he died by human hands
Jika dia mati oleh tangan manusia

So they dug his grave and laid him
Jadi mereka menggali kuburannya dan membaringkannya
On his back and crossed his hands
Di punggungnya dan menyilangkan tangannya
And his secret still is hidden
Dan rahasianya masih tersembunyi
By the shifting, whispering sands
Dengan bergeser, berbisik pasir

This is what they whispered to me
Inilah yang mereka bisikkan padaku
Way out in the quiet desert air
Jalan keluar di udara gurun yang sepi
Of the people and the cattle
Dari orang-orang dan ternak
And that miner lying there
Dan penambang itu terbaring di sana

If you want to learn his secret
Jika Anda ingin mempelajari rahasianya
Wander through this quiet land
Berjalan melalui tanah yang sepi ini
And I'm sure you'll hear the story
Dan saya yakin Anda akan mendengar ceritanya
Of the shifting, whispering sand
Dari pergeseran, bisikan pasir
The shifting, whispering sand
Beralih, berbisik pasir

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