Terjemahan Lirik Al Stewart – Lagu Roads To Moscow

Al Stewart | Judul Lagu: Roads To Moscow

They crossed over the border, the hour before dawn
Mereka melintasi perbatasan, jam sebelum fajar
Moving in lines through the day
Bergerak dalam garis sepanjang hari
Most of our planes were destroyed on the ground where they lay
Sebagian besar pesawat kami hancur di tanah tempat mereka terbaring
Waiting for orders we held in the wood
Menunggu pesanan yang kami pegang di kayu
Word from the front never came
Firman dari depan tidak pernah datang
By evening the sound of the gunfire was miles away
Pada sore hari suara tembakan itu bermil-mil jauhnya
Ah, softly we move through the shadows, slip away through the trees
Ah, lembut kita bergerak melalui bayang-bayang, menyelinap pergi melalui pepohonan
Crossing their lines in the mists in the fields on our hands and on our knees
Melintasi barisan mereka di kabut di ladang di tangan dan lutut kami
And all that I ever
Dan semua itu aku pernah
Was able to see
Mampu melihat
The fire in the air glowing red
Api di udara bercahaya merah
Silhouetting the smoke on the breeze
Silhouetting asap di angin

All summer they drove us back through the Ukraine
Sepanjang musim panas mereka mengantarkan kami kembali melalui Ukraina
Smolensk and Viasma soon fell
Smolensk dan Viasma segera jatuh
By autumn we stood with our backs to the town of Orel
Menjelang musim gugur, kami berdiri dengan punggung kami ke kota Orel
Closer and closer to Moscow they come
Lebih dekat dan dekat ke Moskow mereka datang
Riding the wind like a bell
Mengendarai angin seperti bel
General Guderian stands at the crest of the hill
Jenderal Guderian berdiri di puncak bukit
Winter brought with her the rains, oceans of mud filled the roads
Musim dingin membawa hujan, lautan lumpur memenuhi jalan
Gluing the tracks of their tanks to the ground while the sky filled with snow
Memahat jejak tank mereka ke tanah sementara langit dipenuhi salju
And all that I ever
Dan semua itu aku pernah
Was able to see
Mampu melihat
The fire in the air glowing red
Api di udara bercahaya merah
Silhouetting the snow on the breeze
Silhouetting salju di angin sepoi-sepoi

In the footsteps of Napoleon the shadow figures stagger through the winter
Dalam jejak Napoleon, sosok bayangan terhuyung-huyung melewati musim dingin
Falling back before the gates of Moscow, standing in the wings like an avenger
Jatuh di depan gerbang Moskow, berdiri di sayap seperti seorang pembalas
And far away behind their lines the partisans are stirring in the forest
Dan jauh di belakang barisan mereka para pendukungnya mengaduk-aduk hutan
Coming unexpectedly upon their outposts, growing like a promise
Datang tak terduga di pos terdepan mereka, tumbuh seperti sebuah janji
You'll never know, you'll never know which way to turn, which way to look you'll never see us
Anda tidak akan pernah tahu, Anda tidak akan pernah tahu ke mana harus berpaling, ke arah mana Anda tidak akan pernah melihat kita
As we're stealing through the blackness of the night
Seperti kita mencuri melalui kegelapan malam
You'll never know, you'll never hear us
Anda tidak akan pernah tahu, Anda tidak akan pernah mendengarnya
And the evening sings in a voice of amber, the dawn is surely coming
Dan malam itu bernyanyi dengan suara amber, fajar pasti akan datang
The morning roads lead to Stalingrad, and the sky is softly humming
Jalan pagi mengarah ke Stalingrad, dan langit bersenandung lembut

Two broken Tigers on fire in the night
Dua harimau yang rusak terbakar di malam hari
Flicker their souls to the wind
Flicker jiwa mereka ke angin
We wait in the lines for the final approach to begin
Kami menunggu dalam garis untuk pendekatan akhir untuk memulai
It's been almost four years that I've carried a gun
Sudah hampir empat tahun aku membawa pistol
At home it will almost be spring
Di rumah itu hampir akan musim semi
The flames of the Tigers are lighting the road to Berlin
Nyala api Harimau menyinari jalan ke Berlin
Ah, quickly we move through the ruins that bo
Ah, cepat kita bergerak melalui reruntuhan yang bo

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