Terjemahan Lirik Fleetwood Mac – Murrow Turning Over In His Grave

Fleetwood Mac | Judul Lagu: Murrow Turning Over In His Grave

All the saints and sinners
Semua orang kudus dan orang berdosa
They pay handsomely
Mereka membayar mahal
MSCAE they make the weapons
MSCAE mereka membuat senjata
And they run the prisons
Dan mereka menjalankan penjara
And they sell the justice
Dan mereka menjual keadilan
'Cause being guilty is just good business
Karena bersalah hanya bisnis yang bagus
Well, we're standing on the borderline
Nah, kita berdiri di garis batas
Ain't no one here going to stop it now
Tidakkah ada orang di sini yang akan menghentikannya sekarang?

Murrow's turnin' over in his grave
Murrow berbalik dari kuburnya
Murrow's turnin' over in his grave
Murrow berbalik dari kuburnya
Ed Murrow had a child
Ed Murrow punya anak kecil
The damn thing went wild
Hal sialan itu menjadi liar
Murrow's turnin' over in his grave
Murrow berbalik dari kuburnya
Murrow's turnin' over in his grave
Murrow berbalik dari kuburnya
Ed Murrow had a child
Ed Murrow punya anak kecil
The damn thing went wild
Hal sialan itu menjadi liar

Half-closed eyes and unconscious death
Mata setengah tertutup dan kematian tak sadarkan diri
Do you feel the ooze as your brain drains out
Apakah Anda merasakan cairan saat otak Anda keluar
From the pneumatic drills and sharpened knives?
Dari latihan pneumatik dan pisau tajam?
Blood in the sky, are you dead or alive?
Darah di langit, apakah kamu mati atau hidup?
All the restless people and the bitter green
Semua orang gelisah dan pahit hijau
Well, it takes this gold, make the spirit mean
Nah, dibutuhkan emas ini, buat semangatnya

Murrow's turnin' over in his grave
Murrow berbalik dari kuburnya
Murrow's turnin' over in his grave
Murrow berbalik dari kuburnya
Ed Murrow had a child
Ed Murrow punya anak kecil
The damn thing went wild
Hal sialan itu menjadi liar
Murrow's turnin' over in his grave
Murrow berbalik dari kuburnya
Murrow's turnin' over in his grave
Murrow berbalik dari kuburnya
Ed Murrow had a child
Ed Murrow punya anak kecil
The damn thing went wild
Hal sialan itu menjadi liar

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