Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Atom And His Package – It’s A Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Lib

Atom And His Package | Judul Lagu: It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Lib

this guy jeb is from outer space.
Jeb pria ini berasal dari luar angkasa.
he showed me a smelly peacock and he peeled off his face.
Dia menunjukkan seekor merak yang bau dan dia mengelupas wajahnya.
so i confronted him, before he could hide.
Jadi aku menghadapinya, sebelum dia bisa bersembunyi.
he looked nervous and asked “atom, wanna go on a space ride?”
Dia tampak gugup dan bertanya “atom, mau naik pesawat?”
the spaceship was ugly it had 17 wheels,
Pesawat ruang angkasa itu jelek itu memiliki 17 roda,
there was a poster of larry bird fucking shaquille o'neal,
ada poster larry bird fucking shaquille o’neal,
there was a QY7 billion, that one that i want,
ada QY7 miliar, yang saya inginkan,
and in the back ther was a taco bell restaurant,
dan di belakang ada restoran bell taco,

have you been to the place where i've already gone?
pernahkah kamu ke tempat dimana aku sudah pergi?
not even a hipster looks good with brand new sneakers on,
bahkan hipster pun terlihat bagus dengan sneakers baru,
the spaceship it goes round and round,
pesawat ruang angkasa itu berputar-putar,
and the alien weirdos go up and down,
dan orang asing aneh naik turun,
we're captured on a carousel of time,
kita ditangkap pada korsel waktu,
we can't return, we can only look behind
kita tidak bisa kembali, kita hanya bisa melihat ke belakang

“oh poop” he sed he was visibly upset,
“oh poop” dia sed dia tampak kesal,
he put down his apple omlette and ejected the diskette,
dia meletakkan omlette apelnya dan mengeluarkan disketnya,
he sed “the news is not good” he turned green,
dia sed “berita itu tidak bagus” dia menjadi hijau,
there was a giant potato hading towards us on the video screen.
Ada kentang raksasa yang menempel di layar video kami.

don't worry yourselves doodz, it turned out alright.
Jangan khawatir dirimu doodz, ternyata baiklah.
im glad i didnt bring my 39 dildo's that night.
Saya senang saya tidak membawa dildo 39 saya malam itu.

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