Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Brave Saint Saturn – Resistor

Brave Saint Saturn | Judul Lagu: Resistor

Under twenty thousand tons of brick and stone,
Di bawah dua puluh ribu ton batu bata dan batu,
She carries all the weight of her own world,
Dia membawa semua berat dunianya sendiri,
But somewhere deep inside,
Tapi di suatu tempat jauh di dalam,
Beneath the cartilage and bone,
Di bawah tulang rawan dan tulang,
Beats the battered heart of one little girl alone.
Mengalahkan hati seorang gadis kecil sendirian.
She is sweet, like sugar,
Dia manis, seperti gula,
But she is bitter like the broken sugar pot.
Tapi dia pahit seperti pecahan pecahan gula.
Dad says that she could be anything she wants to be,
Ayah mengatakan bahwa dia bisa menjadi apapun yang dia inginkan,
She only sees what she is not.
Dia hanya melihat apa yang bukan dirinya.

Paduan suara:
Disbeliever, underachiever,
Kafir, underachiever,
Disconcerted with the way things look from here,
Bingung dengan cara segala hal terlihat dari sini,
Disinclined and disinterested,
Ketidakpedulian dan tidak tertarik,
Nothing in your world seems clear.
Tidak ada sesuatu di dunia Anda yang tampak jelas.
Disbeliever, underachiever,
Kafir, underachiever,
Don't you shed another tear,
Janganlah kamu meneteskan air mata lagi,
Little Sister, broken heart resistor,
Suster kecil, resistor jantung patah,
It's not like that over here.
Tidak seperti itu di sini.

With the Blanket of Security,
Dengan Blanket of Security,
And the mighty force of her own will,
Dan kekuatan besar dari kemauannya sendiri,
Treading water in her pink pajamas,
Menginjak air dengan piyama merah jambu,
She is treading water still.
Dia masih menginjak air.
Hopelessly hopeless,
Tanpa harapan,
And she is swimming, further into the sea.
Dan dia berenang, lebih jauh ke laut.
Thinking she's substandard,
Berpikir dia kurang lancar,
While all the while, she is beautiful to me.
Sementara sementara itu, dia cantik bagiku.

She is strong and silent,
Dia kuat dan diam,
She is blunt and shrewd,
Dia tumpul dan lihai,
She thinks that nobody loves her,
Dia berpikir bahwa tidak ada yang mencintainya,
If she only knew,
Jika dia hanya tahu,
How much we all have missed her,
Berapa banyak kita semua merindukannya,
We are praying for you, my little sister.
Kami berdoa untukmu, adikku.

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