Terjemahan Lirik Lambchop – Lagu Hicky

Lambchop | Judul Lagu: Hicky

He hated to shower
Dia benci mandi
Cause he wanted to smell
Sebab dia ingin mencium
What was left of the girl
Apa yang tersisa dari gadis itu?
That stayed at his hotel
Itu tinggal di hotelnya
Still the water was warm
Masih airnya hangat
With the soap in his hand
Dengan sabun di tangannya
As he halted the process
Saat dia menghentikan prosesnya
Just to stare at this man
Hanya untuk menatap pria ini
In the dark of his room
Dalam kegelapan kamarnya
Right after his nap
Tepat setelah tidur siang
He buried his face in her pillow
Dia membenamkan wajahnya di bantal
Then he stared down at his lap
Lalu ia menatap pangkuannya
A small circle of miracles
Lingkaran mukjizat kecil
Surrounded his head
Dikelilingi kepalanya
That ranged dark blue
Itu berkisar biru tua
All the way to dark red
Sepanjang jalan menuju merah gelap

And in honor of this new affair
Dan untuk menghormati urusan baru ini
He bought some socks and some underwear
Dia membeli beberapa kaus kaki dan beberapa pakaian dalam
He was feelin’ so sporty and lookin’ brand new
Dia merasa sangat sporty dan terlihat baru
To cover up his invisible tattoo
Untuk menutupi tato tak terlihatnya

The box on the carpet
Kotak di atas karpet
Matched the lines on his head
Cocokkan garis di kepalanya
As he was ready to sleep
Karena ia sudah siap untuk tidur
And he turns down the bed
Dan dia menurunkan tempat tidurnya
Removes all his clothes now
Hapus semua bajunya sekarang
Lays them on the floor
Lays mereka di lantai
Slips under the covers
Tergelincir di bawah selimut
He hears her key in the door
Dia mendengar kuncinya di pintu
His eyes blink for a minute
Matanya berkedip sebentar
His lids open and close
Kelopak matanya terbuka dan tertutup
A cool warmth fills the room
Kehangatan dingin memenuhi ruangan
He feels her chest on his nose
Dia merasakan dadanya di hidungnya
His brow brushes her navel
Alisnya mengusap pusarnya
His hand follows her hips
Tangannya mengikuti pinggulnya
His neck jerks on the pillow
Lehernya tersentak di atas bantal
Feels the touch of her lips
Terasa menyentuh bibirnya

And in honor of this new affair
Dan untuk menghormati urusan baru ini
He bought some socks and some underwear
Dia membeli beberapa kaus kaki dan beberapa pakaian dalam
He was feelin’ so sporty and lookin’ brand new
Dia merasa sangat sporty dan terlihat baru
To cover up his invisible tattoo
Untuk menutupi tato tak terlihatnya

But not as good as this invisible tattoo
Tapi tidak sebagus tato tak terlihat ini

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