The Doors – Lirik Terjemahan Black Polished Chrome (latino Chrome)

The Doors | Judul Lagu: Black Polished Chrome (latino Chrome)

The music was new
Musiknya baru
black polished chrome
Krom dipoles hitam
And came over the summer
Dan datang di musim panas
like liquid night.
seperti malam cair
The DJ's took pills to stay awake
Si DJ mengambil pil agar tetap terjaga
and play for seven days
dan bermain selama tujuh hari
They went to the studio
Mereka pergi ke studio
And someone knew him
Dan seseorang mengenalnya
Someone knew the TV showman
Seseorang mengenal si pembawa acara TV
He came to our homeroom party
Dia datang ke pesta wali kelas kami
and played records
dan memainkan rekaman
And when he left in the hot noon sun
Dan saat dia pergi di bawah terik siang hari
and walked to his car
dan berjalan ke mobilnya
We saw the chooks had written
Kami melihat chooks telah menulis
F-U-C-K on his windshield
F-U-C-K di kaca depan mobilnya
He wiped it off with a rag
Dia menyekanya dengan lap
and smiling cooly drove away
dan tukang cuci yang tersenyum pergi
He's rich. Got a big car.
Dia kaya. Punya mobil besar.

My gang will get you
Geng saya akan menangkapmu
Scenes of rape in the arroyo
Pemandangan pemerkosaan di arroyo
Seduction in cars, abandoned buildings
Seduction di mobil, bangunan terbengkalai
Fights at the food stand
Perkelahian di stand makanan
The dust
the shoes
Open shirts and raised collars
Buka kaos dan kerah terangkat
Bright sculptured hair.
Rambut pahatan yang cerah.

Hey man, you want girls, pills, grass? C'mon…
Hei man, kamu mau cewek, pil, rumput? Ayo…
I show you good time.
Saya menunjukkan waktu yang tepat.
This place has everything. C'mon…
Tempat ini memiliki segalanya. Ayo…
I show you.
Saya tunjukkan

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