Terjemahan Lirik Lagu John Cale – The Jeweller

John Cale | Judul Lagu: The Jeweller

Very slowly he sipped his tea, not shifting his glance from the thick double spaced printing he read with his jeweller's eye
Dengan sangat pelan ia menyesap tehnya, tidak mengalihkan tatapannya dari pencetakan spasi ganda tebal yang dibacanya dengan mata perhiasannya.
Engrossed in his corner, he passed onto the other inhabitants of the room a scrawled insularity of time and space
Sambil terlintas di tikungannya, dia melewati penghuni ruangan yang lain, sebuah ruang dan ruang yang acak-acakan
For both passed him by with the speed of light, not unlike the flow of substance, however varied, into that lysergic entity known as the black hole
Untuk kedua melewatinya dengan kecepatan cahaya, tidak seperti aliran zat, betapapun beragamnya, ke dalam entitas lysergic yang dikenal sebagai black hole.
He was hardly ugly for his time, and conversation was certainly not lost on him
Dia hampir tidak jelek untuk masanya, dan percakapan tentu tidak hilang darinya
Drastic measures were called for, and as in antiquity the lonely man was blessed with wisdom to the point of desperation
Langkah-langkah drastis diminta, dan seperti di zaman purba orang kesepian diberkati dengan kebijaksanaan sampai putus asa
But there in his corner, developing around him like a sun, was a climate of such rare beauty that sight and sound could no longer be considered sufficient food for the senses
Tapi di sudut sana, berkembang di sekitarnya seperti matahari, adalah iklim keindahan langka yang tak terlihat dan terdengar tidak lagi dianggap makanan yang cukup untuk indera.
And he had begun to notice, as his hearing failed, that mind and matter were in no way connected to one other, as if in fact the one could not propose and prove its erotic existence in terms of the other
Dan dia mulai memperhatikan, saat pendengarannya gagal, pikiran dan materi sama sekali tidak terhubung dengan yang lain, seolah-olah dia tidak dapat mengusulkan dan membuktikan keberadaan erotisnya dalam hal yang lain.
“What does this word mean?” he enquired of the solemn waiter hopefully
“Apa arti kata ini?” dia bertanya pada pelayan khidmat semoga
“Nothing for desert sir”, came the reply, “perhaps a cocktail, demitasse or a herbal essence, it helps the breathing you know sometimes”. “The bill, if you don't mind”, quickly he shot back
“Tidak ada apa-apa untuk tuan gurun,” jawabnya, “mungkin koktail, demitasse atau esensi herbal, ini membantu pernafasan yang Anda kenal kadang-kadang”. “Tagihannya, jika Anda tidak keberatan”, cepat dia menembak balik
And as the patter of the feet faded in the room, for he barely heard them now, his eye slowly began to close, and by the time he emerged on the sunny street he was forced to rely entirely on the other eye for help, but happily it continued its many functions, blinking gently for lubrication, and registering images
Dan saat derai kaki memudar di ruangan itu, karena ia hampir tidak mendengarnya sekarang, matanya perlahan mulai mendekat, dan saat ia muncul di jalan yang cerah ia terpaksa bergantung sepenuhnya pada bantuan lain, tapi Dengan senang hati ia melanjutkan banyak fungsinya, berkedip lembut untuk pelumasan, dan mencatat gambar
It was rush hour, in Hawaii only 10am
Saat itu jam sibuk, di Hawaii hanya pukul 10.00
So, turning into his street, he stopped at the drug store and bought an eye patch that soon covered the reluctant eye
Jadi, berbelok ke jalannya, dia berhenti di toko obat dan membeli sebuah tempelan mata yang segera menutupi mata yang enggan itu
Climbing the stairs he pondered what to do next, he would call a doctor and have tests made, eat nourishing food and if necessary consent to surgery, the last resort of the gambling man
Menaiki tangga dia merenungkan apa yang harus dilakukan selanjutnya, dia akan menghubungi dokter dan melakukan tes, makan makanan bergizi dan jika perlu diundangkan, operasi terakhir dari pria berjudi
And at 1am he awoke from a dream and after fumbling his way in the obolescent light of his room he peered into the rusty veins of his mirror and lifte
Dan pada pukul satu ia terbangun dari mimpi dan setelah meraba-raba jalan di cahaya kecil kamarnya, dia mengintip ke dalam vena berkarat dari cermin dan liftnya.

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