lagu The Final Burden – Terjemahan Lirik Processor

The Final Burden | Judul Lagu: Processor

Get in line, one by one
Sejalan, satu per satu
One after the other
Satu demi satu
We are playing the robot game
Kami sedang bermain game robot
I have been here before, my mind is appearing to recollect itself
Saya pernah berada di sini sebelumnya, pikiran saya tampak teringat kembali
Where is there a place that shuns away
Dimana ada tempat yang shuns pergi
Those That Have not seen the light
Mereka yang belum melihat cahayanya
A place where there is only truth and no other is looked upon
Tempat di mana hanya ada kebenaran dan tidak ada yang lain yang dilihat
Here it goes again, like feeding meat to the wolves
Ini dia lagi, seperti memberi makan daging kepada serigala
We throw our intellect to waste
Kita membuang akal kita untuk sia-sia
Empty our bullshit on the riches of the earth
Kosongkan omong kosong kita pada kekayaan bumi
Empty our bullshit on the riches of the earth
Kosongkan omong kosong kita pada kekayaan bumi
Breathe for a second
Bernafas sejenak
Breathe for a second
Bernafas sejenak
Breathe for a second
Bernafas sejenak
Breathe for a second
Bernafas sejenak
Tortured beings are more likely to burn
Makhluk tersiksa lebih cenderung terbakar
We are the sheep to the shepherd, the shepherd of shit
Kita adalah domba bagi gembala, gembala sial
Murder the faithful
Membunuh orang beriman
Pillage the village
Pilar desa
And sacrifice their heads to me
Dan mengorbankan kepala mereka padaku
Pain in their stomachs will bring forth the phlegm
Rasa sakit di perut mereka akan menimbulkan dahak
Their balls on a platter to feast upon their children
Bola mereka di atas piring untuk berpesta anak-anak mereka
Sped Up the process of elimination and seek the smell of rotten good
Sped Up proses eliminasi dan cari bau busuk yang baik
Pain in their stomachs will bring forth the phlegm
Rasa sakit di perut mereka akan menimbulkan dahak
Their balls on a platter to feast upon their children
Bola mereka di atas piring untuk berpesta anak-anak mereka
Tortured beings are more likely to burn
Makhluk tersiksa lebih cenderung terbakar
Breathe for a second
Bernafas sejenak