Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Iron And Wine – The Sea And The Rhythm

Iron And Wine | Judul Lagu: The Sea And The Rhythm

Tonight, we're the sea and the salty breeze
Malam ini, kita laut dan angin asin
the milk from your breast is on my lips
Susu dari payudara Anda ada di bibir saya
and lovelier words from your mouth to me
dan kata-kata indah dari mulutmu kepadaku
when salty my sweat and fingertips
Saat asyik keringat dan ujung jari saya

Our hands they seek the end of afternoon
Tangan kami mencari akhir siang
my hands believe and move over you
tanganku percaya dan bergerak di atasmu

Tonight, we're the sea and
Malam ini, kita laut dan
the rhythm there
irama di sana
the waves and the wind and night is black
ombak dan angin dan malam berwarna hitam
tonight we're the scent of your
malam ini kita adalah aroma kamu
long black hair
rambut hitam panjang
spread out like your breath
Terbentang seperti nafas Anda
across my back
di belakang saya
Your hands they move like waves over me
Tanganmu bergerak seperti ombak di atasku
beneath the moon, tonight, we're the sea
Di bawah bulan, malam ini, kita laut

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