Guided By Voices – Lirik Terjemahan Hey Aardvark

Guided By Voices | Judul Lagu: Hey Aardvark

Hey aardvark where’s my ashtray
Hei aardvark mana asalku?
Put it in my room so I can smoke
Taruh di kamarku supaya aku bisa merokok
Let’s hire a race car driver
Mari kita menyewa seorang sopir mobil balap
Drive through the park and just tell jokes
Berkendara melintasi taman dan hanya menceritakan lelucon
And if it costs too much
Dan jika harganya terlalu mahal
I’ll foot the bill
Aku akan membayar tagihannya
Because I will
Karena aku akan melakukannya
Oh oh I would like that
Oh oh aku mau begitu
Oh oh I would like that
Oh oh aku mau begitu

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